Insightec, the world leader in non-invasive MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology, announced today that Exablate for pain palliation of bone metastases in cancer patients is now a covered benefit for members of a major health insurance provider in the US.
This expansion of coverage means that a total of 99.8 million members across the United States now have access to MRgFUS for palliative care of painful bone metastases. Up to 70% of bone metastases patients suffer from severe pain and radiotherapy fails to provide pain relief in 30–40% of patients.
Insightec’s Exablate treatment is FDA-approved for patients suffering from pain associated with bone metastases and to date over 1000 patients have been treated worldwide.
“This coverage decision is a huge win for our cancer patients suffering with bone pain,” said Sean M Tutton, MD, Director at the Division of Interventional Radiology and Professor of Radiology, Palliative Medicine, and Surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin. “MRgFUS has proven to be an effective totally non-invasive treatment in reducing pain and narcotic needs even in patients that have failed radiation already”, he concluded.
“The momentum continues to build for Insightec’s Exablate treatment. This expansion of insurance coverage provides more opportunities for improving the quality of life of more patients,” commented Ramya Singh, Vice President Sales and Marketing – Americas at Insightec.
“Insightec continues to dedicate efforts toward expanding coverage by insurers for the Exablate treatment. We are encouraged as more patients gain access to this non-invasive treatment which uses no radiation to control their painful metastases,” said Dee Kolanek, VP of Reimbursement at Insightec.
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